What is e-commerce? How does it differ from e-business? Where does it intersect with e-business?

According to the literature, E-commerce is any transaction done on the world wide web. Online transactions are exchanges of services and goods done in an environment that requires a communication line, “Internet or Intranet,” at least one client computer, Phone, or tablet. Furthermore, it is the exchange between a user or company with another user or company conducting business online. The user looks for products or services in a browser like Google, finds the product that best meets his expectations, decides to purchase, and engages with the online store platform to complete the transaction. Of course, there are different types of transactions, different types of companies, and even some stores have brick-and-mortar locations and an online presence.

Now e-business is the process of how e-commerce functions. The e-business looks at all the possible transactions on World Wide Web. Examples are buying and selling goods, services, sharing, transfers, etc.

So, e-business and e-commerce are two entities that work together. I can even further say they are the same. You cannot have a transaction if the structure for an e-business does not exist.

Here is a detailed architecture of a Three-Tier and Fore-Tier Architecture

Web Architecture
  1. The client’s computer, Phone, or tablet connects the user to the World Wide Web
  2. Business Applications connect the user to the business platform exa,mple AMAZON
  3. Once the transition is complete, the information is stored on a server.


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