Crossing Borders: A Comprehensive Guide to Validating Your International Degree in the U.S

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Author: Prof. Gonzalez –  March 24,2024

How to Validate an International Degree in the United States

An essential step for individuals who have completed their education abroad and wish to pursue further studies, seek professional licensure, or secure employment in the U.S. This process, often referred to as degree equivalency, ensures that your foreign qualifications are recognized and valued equivalently to a U.S. degree. Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigating the validation process:

Understand the Requirements

The first step is to understand the specific requirements of your situation. Requirements can vary depending on whether you’re seeking admission to a university, applying for a job, or pursuing licensure in a regulated profession. Visit the institution’s website or licensing board for detailed information on their criteria for international degree validation.

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Choose a Credential Evaluation Service

Credential evaluation services assess your educational background and provide a report detailing the U.S. equivalency of your foreign degree. When selecting a service, ensure it is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the specific institution or licensing board you’re applying to. Some widely recognized agencies include:

Prepare Your Documents

In addition to gathering your official transcripts and proof of degree, ensure that any document not originally in English is accompanied by an official translation. Translations must be done by a certified translator to ensure that they are accepted by the evaluation service and the institution or licensing board you are applying to. This step is critical for the accurate assessment of your credentials.

Additional Requirement: English Language Proficiency

For non-native English speakers, demonstrating English language proficiency is often a requirement for universities, employers, and licensing boards in the United States. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is one of the most widely accepted tests. Planning to take the TOEFL exam, or presenting your TOEFL scores if you have already taken the test, may be necessary. Check the specific requirements of the institution or employer to determine the minimum score needed and any preferred tests, as some organizations may also accept scores from other English proficiency exams like IELTS (International English Language Testing System).

  1. Understand the Requirements: Determine if you need to provide proof of English language proficiency along with verifying your degree’s equivalency.
  2. Choose a Credential Evaluation Service: Select a service that is recognized and meets the criteria of the institution or licensing board you’re applying to.
  3. Prepare Your Documents: Gather official transcripts, proof of degree, and course descriptions. Ensure any non-English documents have official translations.
  4. Demonstrate English Proficiency: If required, plan to take the TOEFL or another accepted English language proficiency test. Include your test scores with your application if you have already taken the test.
  5. Submit Your Application: Follow the evaluation service’s guidelines carefully to submit your application along with all necessary documentation and test scores.
  6. Receive Your Evaluation Report: Use this report, along with your TOEFL scores (if required), to fulfill the application requirements of universities, employers, or licensing boards.
  7. Follow Up: Ensure your credentials and test scores have been received and meet the necessary requirements.

Tips for Success:

  • Verify Translator Credentials: Only use translations done by certified translators to ensure they are accepted.
  • Check TOEFL Score Requirements: Different institutions and professions may require different minimum scores. Always verify the specific requirements.
  • Prepare for the TOEFL Exam: If you need to take the exam, allocate ample time for preparation to meet or exceed the required score.

Submit Your Application

Once you have chosen an evaluation service and prepared your documents, submit your application as per the service’s guidelines. Be sure to follow their instructions carefully to avoid delays.

Receive Your Evaluation Report

After reviewing your documents, the evaluation service will issue a report stating the equivalency of your degree in the U.S. education system. This report can then be submitted to universities, employers, or licensing boards as required.

Follow Up

After submitting your evaluation report, follow up with the institution, employer, or licensing board to ensure they have received and accepted your credentials.

Tips for Success:

  • Start Early: The evaluation process can take several weeks to several months, so begin as early as possible.
  • Check for Specific Requirements: Some fields, like medicine, law, and education, may have additional validation steps or require specific evaluation agencies.
  • Ensure Accuracy in Translations: Use professional translation services to ensure accuracy. Official translations are often required.
  • Stay Informed: Check official websites regularly to stay updated about any changes in the evaluation process or requirements.

Validating your international degree in the U.S. is a critical step toward achieving your academic and professional goals. While the process can seem daunting, careful planning and adherence to the required steps can lead to a successful outcome.

Incorporating these steps and tips will help ensure that the process of validating your international degree in the U.S. goes as smoothly as possible, paving the way for your academic and professional pursuits.

Even though this process can be expensive, it is still more affordable than pursuing an entire bachelor’s degree anew.

Disclaimer: This is an independent general informational piece. I am not affiliated with any business. All information is provided “as is” and might be subject to change. Any reliance on the provided information is solely at the reader’s discretion.

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