
Kevin Pintado is a student at New York City College of Technology, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Emerging Media with a specialization in Media Computation and a minor in Computer Science. His academic and extracurricular pursuits have fostered a profound interest in emerging technologies, particularly 3D printing and software development. With substantial experience in coding, front and back-end website development, and using platforms like Arduino Uno, I am well-versed in the practical applications of theoretical knowledge.
This summer, I am part of a summer internship at Lecturus, a non-profit organization that aims to close the digital divide and promote worldwide free education. My interest lies in the opportunity to work with AI tools such as AI text-to-video and AI agents and build computers using Raspberry Pi to be donated to Bangladesh. I am eager to delve deeper into Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis. I am enthusiastic about meeting new people and expanding my professional network. My goal is to enhance my understanding of modern technology further and contribute meaningfully to the field.

Kevin pintado

Kevin Pintado


  • Fluent in Spanish
  • Excellent time management and organization skills
  • Proficient in multitasking and meeting deadlines
  • Exceptional attention to detail and follow-through
  • Effective independent worker and team collaborator
  • Competent in programming languages
  • Skilled in 3D printing and website management
  • Proficient in AI content creation, video production, and managing AI agents
  • Experienced in assembling and configuring Raspberry Pi computers, software installation, and networking
  • Familiar with CMS management using WordPress
  • Knowledgeable in data analysis techniques


  • Technical Specialist Intern
    Lecturus, Inc.
    May 2024 – Present

    • Developed AI content and videos
    • Managed AI agents for educational purposes
    • Administered WordPress CMS for content management
    • Assembled and configured Raspberry Pi computers
    • Installed software and set up networking for devices
  • Sales Associate
    Drip Supply
    August 2023 – May 2024

    • Provided personalized customer assistance and recommendations
    • Verified product authenticity and quality
    • Managed store operations, including cash handling and inventory
  • Guest Services
    US Open
    September 2021 (Seasonal)

    • Coordinated private events and assisted guests
    • Processed payments and balanced registers
    • Managed cafe operations in a high-paced environment
  • Stage Hand
    Celestial Canopy
    July 2019 – September 2019 (Seasonal)

    • Coordinated logistics for NYC events, including stage setup
    • Managed loading and unloading of equipment


Bachelor’s Degree in Emerging Media (Present)

CUNY New York City College of Technology

    • Focus on integrating digital technology and media
    • Extracurricular: Relational Databases with SQLPlus


  • AI and Emerging Media Projects
    • Engaged in AI content creation, video production, and managing AI agents
    • Participated in assembling and configuring Raspberry Pi for various applications
  • CMS Management
    • Managed and maintained content on WordPress platforms
  • Data Analysis
    • Added data analysis skills to portfolio, including working with datasets and generating insights
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Lecturus is a platform that offers training to individuals interested in developing or enhancing their computer skills, as well as a career change or advancement.

Get In Touch

147 Prince St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

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Lecturus is a platform that offers training to individuals interested in developing or enhancing their computer skills, as well as a career change or advancement.

Get In Touch

147 Prince St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

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