How a Charity is Revolutionizing Online Education

Charity is changing online education

By Jannatun Nabila, Data Analyst June 26, 2024

The Evolution of Online Education

Online education has revolutionized learning, making it more accessible and flexible. Platforms like Coursera and edX offer global access to quality courses, allowing students from anywhere in the world to learn at their own pace. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of online learning, highlighting its convenience and adaptability.
The pressures of AI automation and shifts in the work environment have forced new students to seek diverse expert skills and cutting-edge tools. Changes in the technology industry and other work sectors have increased the demand for acquiring new skills on a budget. Although this concept is not new, periods of uncertainty always require people to adapt to new social and work environments.
Online platforms help democratize education, enabling everyone to engage and build new skills. However, Lecturus recognizes that things are not that simple, and many factors contribute to changes in the labor force. Despite these challenges, Lecturus, along with its founder and contributors, is committed to making education more accessible, even if on a small scale.

Meticulously Crafted Courses

Lecturus offers diverse self-paced courses designed to equip students with practical skills and hands-on experience. Our accessible and comprehensive curriculum includes:

At Lecturus, we simplify complex concepts to make them easily understandable, helping students identify if a subject is something they want to pursue. Many platforms focus heavily on concepts and theories, which can be difficult to grasp and discourage student engagement. Even well-prepared courses can fail to provide a complete understanding of the subject.

Some platforms, like W3Schools, offer simplified and engaging content, while others, like Sololearn, use gamification to enhance learning. At Lecturus, we adopt an over-simplified approach to make learning straightforward and enjoyable. For those seeking more profound knowledge, you can always purchase or access additional books to explore subjects more thoroughly

What Makes Lecturus Different

Charity Changing Online education

High-Quality Video Tutorials Lecturus offers high-quality video tutorials that break down complex subjects into simple, understandable lessons. Students have praised these tutorials for their clarity and effectiveness.

Self-Paced Learning Lecturus allows students to learn at their own pace, accommodating diverse needs and schedules. This flexibility helps students balance education with other commitments.

Expert Instructors Lecturus’s courses are taught by experienced professionals, including professors and graduates from New York City colleges, ensuring that students gain valuable, real-world insights and knowledge.

Cutting-Edge Technology The platform features a user-friendly interface and supports mobile learning, allowing students to learn on the go.

Continuous Improvement Lecturus regularly updates its course content based on student feedback, ensuring a continuously improving learning experience.

Unique Instruction and Global Internships Lecturus stands out from other platforms by providing all meetings and instructions through professors and New York City college graduates. Moreover, Lecturus is the only online platform in the world that offers global internships to anyone interested. The process is restricted to a limited number of students, but we are committed to offering opportunities to everyone, regardless of their gender, identity, social status, religion, or other factors. Integrating college students from the US with students from around the world brings new perspectives and unique collaboration opportunities. We are proud of the work done by many contributors and interns, both in the US and abroad.

Affordable and Accessible Education

Lecturus offer free learning solutions, making quality education accessible to everyone. Our content is completely free; we do not ask for any contributions. At the end of the internship, the computers built by our interns are donated to organizations in developing countries, fostering education and technological literacy.

online learning at lecturus

Preparing Students for the Future

Lecturus provides career-oriented courses and valuable internship opportunities, helping students apply their knowledge in real-world settings and enhancing their career prospects.

At Lecturus, we ensure that our internships combine instruction with hands-on work. While sometimes challenging, we rely on intern feedback and contributions to maintain a practical, hands-on approach. Interns complete the program with skills in:

  • Content Management Systems (WordPress)
  • Data Analysis (Analytics)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • AI Tools (AI Text-to-Video, AI Agents)

Additionally, interns learn essential skills such as time management, task completion, self-learning, and personal portfolio development. Finally, we encourage interns to develop entrepreneurial skills by creating their own online businesses.


Lecturus is transforming online education with its comprehensive, flexible courses and commitment to student success. Join the Lecturus community and explore our offerings to enhance your skills and advance your career. Online education is crucial in today’s world, providing unprecedented access to learning opportunities and helping individuals thrive.

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Lecturus is a platform that offers training to individuals interested in developing or enhancing their computer skills, as well as a career change or advancement.

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147 Prince St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

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Lecturus is a platform that offers training to individuals interested in developing or enhancing their computer skills, as well as a career change or advancement.

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147 Prince St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

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